Booster Club Board Members
Co-Presidents – Brett Bertram & Sara Bertram
Vice President– OPEN
Co-Treasurers – Jennifer Hadden & Christopher Hadden
Treasurer in Training - OPEN
Communications – Carrie Leveille
Communications in Training - OPEN
Advisors – Virg Senescall (Bloomington Hall of Fame Inductee), Janelle Harris
Past Presidents – Melissa Lucas & Maurice Lucas
At Large - Sandra Fergus, Nikki Shaffer, Todd Jorgenson
The success of the Booster Club lies within the transition of information related to running the operations of the swim season from year to year. It is important that we have parents of younger swimmers take on board positions or individual tasks year-by-year. If at all possible, we want to retire each Booster Club Board member at the end of their swimmer's Junior year, so they are not holding that position as a senior parent. This way, they are able to enjoy their senior season and only be advisers to the board and Booster Club.
The success of the Booster Club lies within the transition of information related to running the operations of the swim season from year to year. It is important that we have parents of younger swimmers take on board positions or individual tasks year-by-year. If at all possible, we want to retire each Booster Club Board member at the end of their swimmer's Junior year, so they are not holding that position as a senior parent. This way, they are able to enjoy their senior season and only be advisers to the board and Booster Club.
If you're interested in learning more about the Boys Swim & Dive Booster Club Board or how you can get involved, please contact or
If you're interested in learning more about the Boys Swim & Dive Booster Club Board or how you can get involved, please contact or